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Top 6 Tips for Having a Natural Birth Without an Epidural

If you're reading this, you're most likely planning a natural, unmedicated birth! I am cheering you on and want to share my top 6 tips for accomplishing the natural birth you want from a doulas perspective! If you enjoy listening or watching videos, click the video above, and if you prefer reading, read on!


Stay home as long as possible! Staying home as long as possible helps in several ways! First, it helps labor progress faster as you are in your own, safe environment. Birth is very primal- if you don't feel safe, your body is not going to want to give birth as a way to protect you and your baby. Switching environments, especially if you're weary of hospitals can actually make labor stall or even go backward!

Next, you have total control and access to whatever comfort techniques you need! You can eat, sleep, shower, have intimate time with your partner, enjoy a walk outside, etc.!

Lastly, staying home as long as possible if you are birthing at a hospital limits interventions. It limits cervical checks, being put on the clock, being hooked up to monitoring, an IV, etc. (all of which you can advocate for not doing by the way)! In the hospital comfort techniques also become less available if you follow their rules. For example, some care providers will tell you not to eat (which is totally against evidence- check out Evidence Based Birth), that you can't take a bath after your water is broken, your movement is limited while you're hooked up to the monitors, etc.

If you’re still up in the air about where you’re birthing, consider a home birth or a birthing center!


Mental preparation is KEY!

First, learn about the anatomy and physiology of labor! Labor is a marathon, your uterus is the main muscle being used and it contracts just like every other muscle in your body. Flex your arm as if you were showing off your muscle. Does that hurt? Of course not! Now, what if you did that for an hour? You'd get sore and would feel that burning sensation you get while working out, right? Your uterus is going to work the same way, just trust the process and focus on the best finish line there is- holding and meeting your baby!

Next is facing your fears. If you have fear surrounding birth, you’re going to enter a painful cycle of fear --> tension --> pain. Work through your fears prior to labor. Any horror stories you have heard are not yours to claim. That is someone else's birth story, not yours! When you’re in labor, if fear creeps in, do what you need to do to let it go.


Easier said than done, right?! Notice where you typically tense up during stress or pain- do you tense your jaw or your shoulders? When you’re in labor, if you don’t have a doula, make sure someone on your birth team is there to remind you to relax your jaw, shoulders, etc. You’ll notice a HUGE difference in the contractions when you’re tense vs. relaxed.


Freedom of movement is another key part of laboring without pain meds! Move and get into positions using your intuition- your body knows what to do! P.S. Continuous monitoring typically done at the hospitals can limit your movement- ask about intermittent monitoring!


As one of my clients explained to her husband, “a doula is like a wedding planner for your birth”- exactly! We take care of all the things to make sure things go as smoothly as they can! We remember what your birth wishes are, we’ll recommend positions if you’re unsure, we’ll give you massages and counter pressure, we’ll get your partner involved, we’ll make sure you're both fed, hydrated, and taken care of! Most importantly, we will advocate for you.

With my own birth experience, I wish I would've had my doula with me at the hospital. Long story short, I was having a home birth and had to transfer to the hospital due to my water being broken for so long. I was only allowed two support people so I chose my husband and mom. I had defiantly prepared them enough with all the comfort techniques and knowing what I wanted, but during pushing, they were wrapped up in me and that their daughter and granddaughter was crowning that they did not realize the doctor was cutting an episiotomy without my consent or knowledge. In my personal experience as a doula, I pay attention to the whole picture to advocate for you and your wishes. If something like that is happening, I will speak up so you can make the decisions!


You do not have to agree to do anything you don’t want to do. You have the right to decline anything and everything! You have the right to know everything about procedures and interventions- use your BRAIN acronym (see below) to get all the information to make the best decisions for you and your baby!

B.R.A.I.N. BENEFITS- What are the benefits?

  • How will this help my labor?

  • How will this help my body?

  • How will this help me?

RISKS- What are the risks?

  • How will this affect my labor?

  • How will this affect me and my baby?

  • Are there any procedures that may follow?

ALTERNATIVES- What are my other options?

INTUITION- What does my gut say?

NOTHING- What happens if I do nothing?

  • I need more time to think through this decision.

  • I would like to talk with my family in private before making a decision.

  • I would like to wait for now.

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