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Peaceful Childbirth Education Course

When you think of your labor and birth I want you to imagine that you are going on a backpacking trip. This is relevant for so many reasons, right?! We know going into it, it is going to be hard work to get to the top, but the view is TOTALLY worth it, you almost forget about how many times you wanted to turn around at the hardest parts! How you prepare can either make this trip feel like a walk in the park or it may feel like climbing Mount Everest- if you pack a bunch of rocks, but no map, no water, no food, no first aid, and no bear horn, you may really struggle to make it to the top (your goal and birth desires). Would you like to go on the hike worried that you’ll see a bear or get hurt so you’re full of fear the whole time you don’t enjoy the beauty and experience around you? Or do you want to be prepared and equipped with the tools you need in case anything happens so you are not fearful and you can enjoy the whole hike? – I think we can all agree that being prepared and equipped so we can enjoy the full experience is the better option, right?


I am your hiking guide and in this course, I am going to prepare you for the best hike of your life! 


This isn’t your everyday childbirth education course. You will not only learn the basic childbirth education things such as the phases of labor, comfort techniques, common interventions, how to advocate for yourself and your desires, etc. but most importantly, you'll learn how to prepare mentally and how to eliminate the fears you have and how to have peace about your birth no matter what.


Module 1- The Anatomy and Physiology of Labor

A lot of fear is based upon the unknown! In this module, we will talk about how our bodies work in labor so you know what is going on. You’ll learn about what our contractions do (and feel like), dilation, stations, and effacement.

Module 2- The Stages and Phases of Labor

Next up is what each phase of labor looks like, what to do, what your partner and birth team can do, and your birth options for each phase. Worried about not remembering? There’s a handout for that so you and your team will have a quick and easy reference sheet!

Module 3- Common Interventions + Options

In this module, we cover the common interventions and options you have while you're in labor. Along with that, we cover the pros and cons of each one briefly so you understand your options and can decide what you definitely do or do not want!

Module 4- Advocating

This is one of the most important modules, especially if you are giving birth in a hospital. As a doula, I have seen it be an uphill battle for some mamas to get the natural birth they desire. Learning how to advocate for yourself (and your birth team learning as well) can make or break your birth plan! You will walk away with several scripts ready to go as well as knowledge of the infamous BRAIN tool!

Module 5- Comfort Techniques + Positions

In this module, we go over and demonstrate the many different comfort techniques for labor as well as positions that are great for getting babies out! Again don’t worry about forgetting! There is a handy dandy reference sheet with pictures and descriptions of optimal times to get in these positions, and a quick guide for your birth partner to reference!

Module 6- Newborn Decisions

In this module, we cover how important the *Golden Hour* is aka the many benefits, as well as newborn decisions that you’ll want to have researched and decided on before labor begins!

Module 7- From Fear to Peace

This module focuses on the emotional and mental preparation for birth which is so important! We by nature are very primal when we are in labor. Most women find comfort in dark bathrooms as a sort of safe cave. There are stories of women going backward in dilation because fear takes over (such as changing environments and going to the hospital). This makes perfect sense when it comes to keeping ourselves and our babies safe, however, our bodies cannot recognize a real physical threat from an emotional fear we may have. So mental preparation is so important! We identify your fears, logically think through and process them, and replace them with peace! There is a worksheet for this module as well as steps you can take with you to work through even while you’re in labor if a new fear comes up such as a change in your birth plan you were not anticipating. Working through your fears and replacing them with peace before you go into labor will also help you process any parts of your birth that did not go according to plan as well!

What would it feel like to have freedom from your fears surrounding birth?

My Story


I am so glad you are here! If we haven’t met, I am Serenity and I have always been super passionate about all things birth. I have been a birth doula since 2017 and I absolutely love being there to support and educate women and their families throughout their pregnancies, birth, and the postpartum period. 


To make a long story short, when I gave birth to my first daughter in May of 2021, it pretty much ended up being the opposite of everything I had hoped for. I was planning a natural home birth that ended in a non-emergent hospital transfer where I experienced the cascade of interventions as well as obstetric violence and abuse. I’ll spare you the details here, but if you want to read more about it you can HERE. Before I became pregnant again, I knew I needed to address the fears I had not only about the usual things like tearing or having a c-section but also my fear that my next labor would be like the first one. In Module 7, I go over how I turned those fears into peace! With those tools, I was able to successfully have the home birth of my dreams while being at peace the entire time. 


I am a believer and follower of Christ so you will hear me talking about the miracles God has done in my life and how His hand is in this course- it gives me chills just thinking about how long this has been in the making without my knowledge. However, if you are not a believer, I still encourage you to watch and be encouraged, I still think you will gain a lot of perspective from this course and if you want to know more about having a relationship with Jesus, please reach out to me, I would love to help you.

Ready to have peace about your upcoming birth? Join below!

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